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Which cities will recover the fastest from covid-19?

Barcelona, Amsterdam, London and Lisbon are all cities in flux when it comes to the changing world of travel. With lockdowns, new regulations and industries being disrupted, many portfolio managers are wondering what comes next. We have researched three primary travel metrics that can help predict the post-pandemic travel industry.

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Defying the retail apocalypse

As fundamental changes transform the world of real estate, investors are challenged to find creative solutions to keep up with industry trends as they look to modernise their investments.


8 industries that grew despite covid-19

From the increased demand in logistics that helps the supply chain get essential products to communities to the increase in streaming websites, the world around us has changed. It is time we look at which industries have come out of the situation on top.

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The fall of commercial office space

Empty office spaces sit unused as companies adapt to hybrid working styles. With most people choosing to work from home at least three times per week, 40% of office space is sitting in prime locations.

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The 4 types of AI

In this article, we explain the four most common types of AI and their potential functions within the real estate industry to help investors better understand emerging digital innovations.

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An unforgettable journey in AI

Without AI, disaster can strike at any time. For the real estate industry, this could mean building the second largest building in the world only to find that half of the building is vacant with no apparent renters willing to move in.